A brief introduction to UI/UX design

A brief introduction to UI/UX design

UI design

UI, User Interface, is the "place" where human-computer interaction takes place.
UI design is therefore the design of this "place" where human-computer interaction takes place. It is the planning and laying out of the user interface. It involves the arrangement and styling of screens and elements like icons, buttons, headers, form fields, images, etc, that the users interact with. All user interfaces have a UI design from which they were implemented, so UI design is a very important aspect of software development.

just as a building needs a building plan, a user interface needs a UI design

UX design

UX, User Experience is the feeling, emotion, and attitude a person has when using a product, system, or service.
UX design is then the design process of putting into consideration the emotion, feeling, and attitude the users will or should have while using a product, system, or service into the conceptualization of the design. It plays a great role in the design process as the main objective of a system, is for it to be useful and it can't be useful unless the users understand the system and what it is meant to achieve easily, and also use it effectively.

The relationship between UI and UX design

UI design in many ways affects the user's experience on the user interface, when the user experience is prioritized in UI design, it affects the way the user interface will be designed. This is why the two concepts go hand in hand.

The way the term UI/UX design is used mostly makes it seem like one entity, thereby it tends to be confused as just the design of the user interface alone. UI/UX design is more than that and different from each other, and when UI meets UX, the user interface is designed not only for great aesthetics but also for the interface to delight the target user by its effectiveness, no matter how complex the user interface may be.

the major difference between UI design and UX design is that while UI design focuses on aesthetics and the whole artistic aspect, UX deals majorly with the purpose and functionality of the user interface.


Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash